Guild Ranks

                                                       Brigade of Honor Commissioned Officers Ranks

Supreme Commander / Seven Star General – The Founder, Owner and Guild Leader of the Brigade of Honor. In charge of the day to day operations of the guild, overall guild policy, finances, strategy and personnel decisions.

Deputy Supreme Commander / Six Star General – Second in Command of the Brigade of Honor and runs the guild when the Supreme Commander is unavailable. Sits on the General Officer selection board as the vice chairperson and acts as the chief advisor to the guild leader.

General of the Army / Five Star General – The two GOA’s serve jointly as the Third in Command of the Brigade of Honor. Their primary responsibilities is to supervise the General Staff and ensure all departments are operating to their maximum efficiency. They also advise the SC and DSC on anything they feel needs to be brought to their attention. Both Officers sit on the General Officer selection board. This position is appointed from the General Staff and only the most experienced officers are picked. Officers should have a minimum of 10 years + experience in the Brigade of Honor, although this requirement can be waived if the DSC or SC feel it is necessary.

General / Four Star General – The highest non appointed rank in the guild, 3 and 4 Star Generals act as heads of entire departments. Positions in the guild that currently require a officer to possess this rank are as follows, Director of Human Resources and Training, Chief of Infantry and Raids, Commanding Officer of Player vs Player Operations or General Manager of the Guild Headquarters

Lieutenant General / Three Star General – The Second highest non appointed rank in the guild, 3 and 4 Star Generals act as heads of entire departments. Positions in the guild that currently require a officer to possess this rank are as follows, Director of Human Resources and Training, Chief of Infantry and Raids, Commanding Officer of Player vs Player Operations or General Manager of the Guild Headquarters.

Major General / Two Star General – The Third highest non appointed rank in the guild, Positions open to members with this rank are Assistant Director of Human
Resources and Training, Deputy Chief of Infantry and Raids, Executive General Officer of Player vs Player Operations or General Manager of the Guild Headquarters.

Brigadier General / One Star General – You’ve made it! After all your years of hard work, dedication, loyalty and demonstrating your leadership ability you have passed the General Officer Selection Board and are finally a General Officer with 1 star on your shoulder boards. Congratulations! You have several positions open to you now assuming they are not already filled, Assistant Director of Human Resources and Training, Deputy Chief of Infantry and Raids, Executive General Officer of Player vs Player Operations or General Manager of the Guild Headquarters


Lieutenant Colonel



First Lieutenant

Second Lieutenant – Entry level rank into the Commissioned Officer career track.

Officer Trainee – Members appointed to the Officer trainee rank have shown a great ability to lead and teach fellow members. Members are on a probationary period during their time in this rank to ensure full suitability for further promotion. A great deal of trust is given to Officer Trainees and they are expected to be professional and show excellent judgement and behavior at all times. Upon successful completion of the probation period a Officer Trainee is advanced in Rank to Second Lieutenant.


                                                  Brigade of Honor Non Commissioned Officer Ranks

Command Sergeant Major of the Brigade of Honor – Highest rank Non Commissioned Officer in the guild, Chief Supervisor of all Enlisted and Non Commissioned Officers in BoH. In charge of training, morale and ensuring members understand the rules and policy of the guild. Also advises the General Staff on members who show promise for advancement to Commissioned Officers rank. One of the most prestigious ranks in the guild due to the immense authority and respect afforded the member who holds this rank. There is only on CSM of BoH at anyone time.

Master Sergeant

Sergeant First Class

Staff Sergeant – Promotion to the rank of Staff Sergeant requires the member to show even more advanced leadership skill and the ability to supervise leaders below them in rank as this is a second line supervisor position and requires 1 year as Sergeant to be eligible for promotion. No matter how you rise in rank always been willing to teach AND learn as you will never know everything no matter how hard you try.  “Always take your job seriously, never yourself” – General of the Army Dwight D Eisenhower

Sergeant – Entry level Non Commissioned Officer, first true leadership rank a member can earn. Sergeants must train and teach as much as they lead members. Recruitment, Training, Academy Teaching and Supervising in the Guild Factory are all possible career paths although this list is not by any means complete and opening depends on the needs of the guild.


                                                                      BRIGADE OF HONOR ENLISTED RANKS

Corporal – The bulk of the guild will hold this rank as this is the last promotion that is automatically issued to the members. A member has some choices when they reach this rank, they can do nothing and remain this rank and will always be welcomed as a hard working and devoted team member. They can prepare for the Non Commissioned Officer Board and if they qualify apply for entry one they have served the minimum time of 1 year at this rank. Members seeking to become a Sergeant will need a Captain and the guild Command Sergeant Major to vouch for them and their abilities. A member must also have the right aptitude to become a leader and show both a desire and ability to lead and have no blemishes on their permanent record. Many member choose to not advance in rank and there is nothing wrong with that. Corporals make up the majority of the guild membership and are therefore backbone of the Brigade of Honor Guild. This rank can be awarded after 8 months as a Private First Class and approval from the Guild Command Sergeant Major or a Commissioned Officer.

Private First Class – Further advancement in rank is given as a member becomes more familiar with the inner working of the guild and policies. Members with this rank are expected to know the rules like the back of their hand and be able to assist new members with anything they might need help with. This rank is awarded after 6 months as a Private and approval from a NCO.

Private – Congratulations are in order for a member who has earned this rank as they are now considered a full member with all rights and privileges. Promotion from Private to Private First Class is automatic and is awarded after approval from a NCO in members chain of command.

Recruit – A probationary applicant who has not yet earned the right to full membership in the Brigade of Honor Guild. A minimum of 2 months of service with the guild is required to finally become a full member at the rank of Private. A member will also be issued a uniform upon graduation from Recruit Status.